Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster tumors?

My brothers male dwarf hamster has a big red bump on his right leg!It looks about the size ofa dime or nickel, his leg looks alot thinner than the other. Its hard.Is it an infection or does he possibly have a tumor!(awww) Is there even such thing as hamster cancer???
This sounds like either an abscess or a cyst - cancers would be deeper under the skin, even if benign. How clean does your brother keep the cage? Does the hamster live with cage mates? Shop around for a vet if you're worried about pricing... a lot of places vary. You do need to see one, though. If it breaks open, neosporin is safe to use, just make sure the hammy leaves it alone.
Small animals are prone to cancer, especially rats... that's why labs use them so often.
yea there is u have to take it to the vet immediatly, or 2morrow morning depending on how much u love iit lol
it could be a cyst not to much of a problembut u do need to take it to the vet
There sure is, and tumors and cancers are unfortunatly very common in hamsters, and tend to be what gets them in the end, so all I can suggest is a trip to the vets to get the right diagnosis.

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