Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster sitting!!?

I'm minding my friends little sisters hamster for 3 weeks as there away and her parents can't mind him cause her dad recently was knocked down by a bus!!
But anyway i didn't mind taking care of him cause is tres cute and stuff but his cage is really really smelly i'm in my second week with him and i've already cleaned it out once but i just really changed the wood clippings i didn't want to use cleaning products on it incase!! but it's techinally not clean so can someone give me some cleaning tips and also any other tips for over the next week!!
P.s 2 weeks and he isn't dead go me woop!!
put the hamster in a cardboard box or something (with the lid off) so u can keep it in there while u change the cage,
put all the sawdusst and stuff in a big rubbish bag,
clean the bottom, corners ++ Sitdes of the cage with antiseptic cleaning wipes, make sure to get rid of every scruff of dirt or at least TRYyt to,
when uve used the antiseptic wipes, use paper towels or toilet roll on the thing and scrub it clean to its not wet no more,
then scrub the whole thing with cold water or warm depending on how fresshh ur wantiing it,
then dry it.
then put ur hamster sawdust ((or wood clippinghs are you said)) then put the food in (make sure u clean food bowl in same way) put fresh food in and give fres water + ur done.
so affter all that u will need . . .
-+ bowl of water
-+ paper towels // orr tollieyt roll
-+ antiseptic cleaning wipes prefererbley ones that kill samonallea and e . coliey.
+- put hamster in a box out of the way but make sure it will be able to breathe and all that.
+- put all hamster wood clipings r sawdust in the bin
+- use cleaning wipes
+- dry with paper towels r toilett rol
+- put paper towels and all that in the bin.
+- wash cage throoroughly in a bowl of warm or freziing cold water.
+- dry with another set of paper twels or toilet rolelee.
+- put all new hamster clipings in
and water.
ur done.
realy clean it searasly it's not funny
you can use cleaning products just make sure you rinse the cage very well with water...if you do not clean it with soap by the 3rd week the smell will be unbearable. Make sure you have a very safe place to put the hamster while you are cleaning the cage.
Good Luck!!
-laughs- Yes! Go you!
It's not cedar wood, is it? cause that stuff's really unhealthy for rodents!
I know you're not gonna like this answer, but you did ask. LOL
I had two male rats and in order to keep the cage clean and as "smell-free" as possible, I cleaned it out every two or three days. A week is pushing it.
You say this hamster's a male? -grins- Well, male rodents tend to have a lovely...odor about them. It's true! They have a musky, often disgusting, smell on their bodies.
So no matter how hard you scrub and clean the cage, it's most likely that quite a bit of the smell is coming off of the little sweetie himself. -shrugs- And there's not much to be done about that.
^.~ Sounds like you're doing a good job! If the smell's really getting to you, there are different products you can put in the food and water to help get rid of the smell.
Also, there's this amazing kick-butt-awesome recycled paper bedding called Carefresh. It's really good at absorbtion and has no odor of its own. You can buy small packages of it at pet stores (big packages can cost around 18 dollars) So you can buy a small one just for the remaining week if you're getting stunk out of house and home.
Good luck, sweetie! :P
try adding just a little bit of vinegar in the water u r cleaning it with, or just some dishsoap, then rinse it really good and just keep it in a box in that time
well, to get rid of the smell..go outsida and hose it down on jet. it works really well! and you don't need soap, all you need to do is spray all the pee and stuff. also, the new shavings make it smell nice too!
i understand your issuses, but you need to clean out the cage at least once a week. not once every 2 weeks. or it will smell terrible. clean the cage throughouly and your good as long as you give it food and water.

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