Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hamster Problems?

I have a pretty old hamster and she has this giant blood vesil on her ear that keeps on leaking. She also has a big purple ball like figure on the side of her stomach that sticks out and is as big as a golf ball. I'm not sure what it is and I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions??
aww hun im sorry
sounds like a bad tumor
lots of rats and hampsters get them.almost always are cancerous and very painful
take her to a vet ASAP and get her put to sleep if it is...thats horrible pain for her and i know it will prolly be horrible pain for u to let her go...but its tha right thing and the only way to release her from her sounds like shes had a good run on life and u said shes pretty maybe its just time
i wouldnt want to put her through to much more stress
take to animal shelter they check it out cheap there very good there to
Sorry to say but when i had an old mouse, she had one of those,(but it wasn't the size of a golf ball) and turns out it was a tumor. she died shortly after.SORRY!
Older hamsters are prone to cancer and tumors so you should take it to your local vet to get it checked out. It could be in a lot of pain so please take it.
The purple ball sounds like it's probably a tumor (could be cancer too) so it would be best to take her to an exotic pet hospital or clinic (they specialize in treating, small animals like hamsters) and have her looked at.
OMGa golf ball who big is ur hamster?TAKE IT TO THE VET NOW!
the best thing to do is let it take it's course. she is unfortunately very sick and i'm afraid her time has come. just keep her as comfortable as possible. best of luck!
I'm so sorry.You should get it checked out by a vet.To much blood could make her die of blood loss.And that could be a tumor.You should put it down and out of its misery if it looks and sounds like its in pain.Best of luck!

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