Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster question?

hi i was looking for a rodent first i was looking at hamsters i am getting 2 of wat ever i get then i was looking at mice and people say they are expensive then i came across mice how much do they cost do they cost less than hamstes and r they friendlier than hamsters
mice are harder than hamsters
firstly, they can carry fleas which have diseases and u could die if u r bitten by 1
secondly,they poop more then hamsters
thirdly, they r too expensive
I've never owned mice, but I have owned hamsters and they can be so adorable. I would think that mice would be harder to care for than hamsters because they are smaller, but watch out because hamsters like to try to escape and they can have a lot of energy if you don't play w/ them enough. I also heard from a vet that mice and rats tend to get tumors a lot (and procedures to get them removed are VERY expensive). It may be helpful to get a book on each of them (like how to care for them) and read it.
dont get mice. i had a friend who owned some and she said they were really hard to take care of. they are cheaper though. they cost a couple of dollars. i like hamsters better. they are alot cuter. i have short haired hamsters also known as Syrian hamster they call then short haired hamsters in the pet stores. there really big. and there cute as can be. if you were to get a hamster it should be the short haired ones. they grow really big. but if you get more than one dont put them in the cage together because they Will attack each other. other than that they are really sweet and nice and they dont cost that much. Dont go to Pet Smart to get them they cost like 19.99. Get get at a smaller pet store where they cost under 10 dollars. i got mine for only 5.99. they live for 3-5 years. you also might like a Chinese dwarf hamster. they are really cute and tiny. if you get that kind of hamster get another one. they are the only kinds of hamsters that can and are suppost to be with another one. get a cadge that has no holes or anything. they get out easily because of how small they are. they can squeeze through anything. if you have a cat or dog dont get it. they get out really easily and the dog or cat will get it . thats what happened to mine. dont get a anyother kinds of dwarf hamster. they are all really mean. you cant pick any of them up because they will bite you. Dont get a black bear hamster. ya they are big and cute but they try to jump out of you hands to much. they dont stop. they are masterminds at doing that. that are like little frogs that wont stop jumping out of your hand. ask to hold the hamster before you buy it.
Mice are like less than half the price of Hamsters! I saw mice at the pet store for $2.50 each. Hamsters are $10.00 and more, which I personally think is too expensive. I recommend gerbils they are $5.00, I have two and their soo great. Mice are good pets, but more for wacthing, not interacting. Check out this site-
DO NOT GET MICE they get cancer they can care fleas and there poop can carry diseases that can be fatal to humans!! Hamsters are less than 20 dollars so they are not that expensive!!!!!!!
First of all if you do get a hamster get one if it is a Syrian. Better know as a Golden Hamster. When the hamsters get older they will fight together. You can get two dwarfs if you like but they must be females. Mice can be friendly depending on how much you work with them and take them out so they can get used to you. Hamsters are also very friendly. If you get mice I would get at least two females. It is easiest to get females instead of males because they can fight.
Good Luck
Mice are too small and are hard to hold unlike hamsters. Mice are more expensive and can transmit diseases.
Hamsters are easy to handle.
Hamsters are cuter than mice.
Hamsters are more robust than mice.
Hamsters are cheap pets but they also make you happy.
Hamsters will search for a treat but mice don't care!
mice cost more because it takes longer to earn their trust. Hamsters love you within the first few days that you have had them. Hamsters are also nicer. If you get a girl and a boy hamster will breed rapidly, though. Same thing with mice. they breed as early as possible. hamsters are friendlier though and i know because i used to have 5 hamsters and 3 mice. and mice are very sweet when after a month or 2 of owning them. But watch out for the males when the females are in heat. They are very mean and they bite VERY hard.
same expense i would thing,hamsters make a better food in my opinion--mice might cost less to buy but that is about it.No mice aren't as friendly as hamsters and mice tend to bite more

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