Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster suddenly bites?

My hamster that I got last Friday has always been sweet and never biting. But suddenly last night he's been biting me (drawing blood!) every time I reach into his cage. It might be because he's hungry (he runs out of food fast and I don't always immediately refill it) or I'm startling him. It happened twice last night and once today. How do I make him stop biting?
well, in my experience with hamsters i suggest to take a look whats bothering him like he hurt himself restlessness injury etc.
but it also could be the way you try to pick him up you might have startled him in a manner that he turns on his defense mode by biting. Check out the way you pick him up .Heres the proper way : yes yes,Hamsters have a bit of a reputation for biting, but biting is mainly a result of stress or fright. Consistently calm and gentle handling, along with a little bribery (offer them a favorite food while handling) will generally overcome any timidness or nipping tendencies. Also, a hamster that is under stress due to an improper environment, being disturbed too often or during the day, excess noise, etc. may be more prone to nipping. Work on taming and handling only after the hamster has emerged from his or her nest on his own - waking up a hamster is a fairly sure way to make him/her grumpy!Taming requires time and patience. At first, allow you hamster time to become accustomed to his new environment. Once the hamster seems calm, start spending more time around his/her cage and quietly talk to the hamster to get it used to your voice.As the hamster becomes comfortable with your presence, start offering some favorite tidbits (perhaps sunflower seeds, or bits of raisin or other dried fruits) by hand, and once the hamster is happily taking treats from your fingers you can start to try to pick up your hamster. Let the hamster walk onto your hand, then start trying to gently scoop the hamster into your hands. The time for this progression varies, especially depending on the age of the hamster. Your hamster may quickly accept being picked up, or it may take a month or more.
How to Pick Up a Hamster
The best way to pick up a hamster is cupped in the palm of your hand with the other hand over its back to prevent it jumping off your hand (and possibly getting injured). Especially at first, it is best to hold your hamster just above your lap or some other soft surface in case it falls or jumps. Let the hamster crawl from hand to hand and it should gradually become more comfortable with handling.

hope this helps
You can't exactly "make" an animal stop biting. If you are taking care of him properly, and he isn't under high levels of stress, then if it something you are doing wrong yourself. Hamsters are nocturnal and they sleep during the day, as you know. Whenever I reach into a hamsters cage or pick them up while they are sleeping, I first wake them up by taking something soft and touching them, so they aren't so startled when I go and reach for them. If you think he may be hungry, then fill his food bowl in the morning and then again at night. Also make sure he has fresh water.
Actually because his hungry or as you said you got him last friday he might not yet comfortable with his new enviroment!! Give him some time to adjust and once or twice a day you can handle him and give him enough food! It all depends of how you take care of animals!! They are all different they are like human they need time to adjust!! Don't worry after you do that it will be a pleasure having a hamster! Trust me! FOr more email me @! Good Luck
well maybe he is hungry (always refill hamsters bowls immediately, or put more in his bowl). he mite b under stress or not used to the environment give him time.
Don't be tempted to over feed him just because he's biting! Do you have a brother or sister etc who may have handled him, perhaps they may have been a bit rough. Or he could just be in mating season, they'll be most aggresive then.
Did you accidently mishandle him or frighten him at all? He may be scared of you if you have (i'm not saying you would, you obviously care if you posted this!)

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