Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster question...?

i just bought a panda bear hammy and i love her but i want to see what she does in her ball but we just put in her cage today and the person at the pet sotre said not to take her out until she is used to it but i want to see what she does because i have another hammy too i think it would be funny is they chase my dog or cat.but i really dont wanna wait i mean she is used to being picked up and put on my lap and stuff but if i have to leave her in there but but how long casuse i love my lil panda bear hammy
If she is already reacting well to being picked up and handled, I would say try putting her in the ball. Don't close her in right away, though. She may not like it and may want to get out! If she seems to want to climb out of the ball, take her out and try again tomorrow. You cannot force a hamster to 'be ready' for anything. But, if she is good at being handled already, go ahead and try the ball. I would not attempt to put her in the ball more than once a day if she doesn't like it. Stress is a killer for hamsters: their hearts can beat so fast from fear or stress that it can kill them.
Wait at least a day.
I've had a few hamsters, and I would recommend about a week. It helps if you start by hand feeding hamsters occasional treats in their cage as they will get used to your hand being in there. It will help your hamster recognize that it's not there to harm it.
In case you are wondering why hamsters should be handled so carefully is that hamsters and other small mammals can actually die from its heart beating too fast. Just be patient.
I think you should let her get used to the cage for one whole day and whole night, and then let her run around. :)
put her in the ball already! dont pay attention to those petstore people
If you've had her for three days, I'd say it's ok to give it a try. She will let you know if she's comfortable with what you are doing to her.
when i got my hamsters, i didnt wait a day for them to get used to it. it depends on the hamster, but for yours, it sounds like it would be okay for you to take it out.

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