Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster Question, only for hamster lovers!?

Ok, currently I am owning Cuddles, a male dwarf hamster. He has never interacted with other female hamsters. He's been alone since birth. I cannot let him play with another hamster, it's going to become a blood bath. I was wondering... After a few years, can I get two baby hamsters and as they grow, can I let them have litters of pups?? :S
Please read that page and then decide if you want to breed. It's not a good idea to inbreed (brother %26 sister) unless you know the family history. This means temperament, health and genes going back at least 3 generations. Most reputable breeders won't inbreed unless they have to. It amplifies traits - good and bad.
If they are introduced as pups then usually they'll stay happily together until death as a bonded pair. This is true of a breeding pair or same sex pair. But remember they can and will breed non-stop like Tribbles. The girl will go into heat during the 24 hrs after birth and the boy will impregnate her. Once the nursing litter is weaned she will deliver the next litter, dad will get her pregnant again and the whole process repeats until the mom stops going into heat. A breeding pair can easily produce 100 pups if left together as a bonded pair.
yes you can. but be aware there like pringles..once they pop they cant stop!.
Those hamsteres love their babies!
I don't see why not if they have known each other from birth then I don't see the problem just to be safe get them from the SAME pet store.
yeah Im sure that would be ok.
Not always. Hamsters are solitary animals. Russian Dwarf hamsters, are the best to try this with. Becare though because young hamsters are sometimes hard to sex and you could end up with a male and female, which will make lots and lots of baby hamsters. It would be best if you started with two females. Good luck to you.
yes you can. i have done it with mice b4
well, yes. but you need to know about mating hamsters first. oh, and you can't mate a hamster after it is already a year old.(use thick gloves! fighting could break out any time! first, you need to see if the female is in season. (pee cloudy, musky smell and very still when by the male) the girls are in season every four days. then, when you know she is in season, put her in the male's cage(not the females! the females will kill the male if they are in the girls cage!) then, they will sniff eachother, then the female will sit still, and the male will put his paws on her back and the mating will begin. to find out what to do when the female is pregnant, search"what do i do when my hamster is pregnant" on google. good luck!
AHH! dwarf hamsters are my favorite
but the thing with hamsters are that sum may like to be alone
but if you buy another hamster
he mite get use to them
so i think that mite work
good luck!
If you get two new hamsters and expect them to live together and have pups you need to make sure they have been together since birth or ask the pet store if they both are kind natured and would be able to have pups with each other. This should help oh and ask the petstore if they are able to have pups at all they might have some helpful imput! HOPE THIS HELPS!!!

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