Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster teeth problem?

srry for posting a lot im bored but i also want this question solve
my hamster biting the metal bar cage because of his teeth and i know what else can i let him bite on that is safe
go to a petstore! look at the slection of wood chips and toys for them. and also when your done with paper towel and toilet paper rolls, pu them in the cage. they LOVE those.
good luck
Let him chew on most varieties of...woodchip
Try going to the pet supply store and getting something inexpensive for your hamster to chew on. My friend used to give her hamster treats, and it didnt have any problems.
Dont give it anything stringy or any type of rope, because the hamster could chew through it and end up swallowing the strands, which could be potentially unhealthy.
If you do give it treats, dont give it too many, because that could be unhealthy too. Good luck with your hamster :]
Hamsters' teeth are continually growing and are naturally tinted yellow. This hamster is keeping it's teeth short by chewing Keep some chew sticks or pieces of hard dog biscuit in the cage; the gnawing will keep the teeth from being over-grown. If your pet should have one of its teeth chipped, it can be trimmed with nail scissors. I strongly suggest that you ask your vet for help. Once Taco's front teeth were badly uneven and I thought he needed veterinarian care, but the next week they were perfectly even. It is normal for your hamster teeth to be yellow, or a light brown in color. It is also normal for their breath to smell like tuna fish (yuck!). However, if they're teeth get very long, take your hamster to a vet immediately for its' teeth to be trimmed. If you don't, they may starve to death or they're teeth could grow through their head.
HI! It is ok for your hamster to chew on the bars, but you should buy some wood bars so their bones in their teeth can stay strong. Go to Petco or Petsmart so you can buy some. I hope I helped!
I have always given my rodents dog bones. It sounds weird, but I read it in a Mouse book once- and they love it. And it has protein in it. And it's rock hard, so it kept their teeth low, which was good, because they never bothered with those wooden blocks you are suppose to put in their cage.
Hamsters teeth are always growing, go to the pet store and buy him a chew toy or log to chew on. Mine love the ones with treats in the center, you can also try putting a a paper towel roll in his cage they love to shred those!
hope this helps a little
You can get a dog bone for them to chew on or there are chew toys for them at a pet store.
Good Luck

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