Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster question...?

I just got a hamster and it's kinda young but it's very squirmy when you try to there any way to train it to be a better hamster to hold so it doesn't wiggle out of my hands? Thanks.
Oh and by the way it's a Teddy Bear Hamster (if that makes any difference)
train yourself first! then you might be able ask an answerable q!
The more he'sheld the less squirmy he will be. If you just got him, he's just not used to being held, so you'll kind of have to work with him so he gets used to you holding him! Good luck!
The more you hold it, the tamer it will become.
the only way for her to get used to u is by being handled more
Most hamsters are not thrilled with being held. Syrian hamsters, however, are very tolerant with their people, and it should get used to your touch and smell fairly quickly. It may take up to two weeks before it trusts you enough to just still and 'be good'.
One way to train a hamster is with food rewards. Keep a few treats ready for it when you want to take it out. When you first pick it up and he is in your hand, try to open your hand a bit and place the treat on your hand, in front of the hamster. Give him another one if he stays still and is good for another 20 or 30 seconds. Don't give him more than three our four treats at a session, and don't attempt to 'train' him for more than five minutes at a time. And make sure you give him appropriate hamster treats - yogurt drops, unsalted sunflower seeds, a tiny bit of cheese. There is a large selection of hamster treats available at any pet store. Make sure they are for hamsters, and not mice or rats.
Give it time. Maybe like 3-4 weeks time. Play with it. When you feed it. USE YOUR HAND. Dont put it on the corner. Use your hand and feed it. You could try holding it time to time. Sooner are later it will think it is ok to be on your hand and you wont hurt it.
(they do bite >.>. becareful)
First start putting your hand in the cage so he can sniff it and climb all over it, then gradually pick him pick him up.. So he can trust you.
the more attention they get the better they will be to handle. and get an exercise ball for outside the cage to run in, they love them.
You should hold on to your hamster tight enough so that he can't fall out of your hands, but in a gentle way. Hold your pet enough so that he or she can get used to you holding. Anyway, hold on to him or her and take care. It will be fine.
No it doesn't make a difference! And just keep on trying to hold your hamster and pet him/her and he/she will get used to you! If you do that everyday then he/she will stop doing that and be very sweet to you! Good luck with your hamsters!
just keep on holding him it will get use to it
i just got a panda bear hammy and she is not used to being held either but she is getting used to it.she loves to be held tho.but u really have to give them time and ur hammy will for sure wanna be held alot!!

good luck!

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