Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster questions?

I just got a hamster yesterday afternoon. Her name is Pepsi.
-How do you tell if she is pregnet? Are there unusal behaviors?
-Is wood shavings bad for them to use as bedding?
-Is there a bad direction to approch them at?
-Can they sufficate or snap there necks, or get stuck in tubes?
-Whats a good food brand for them to eat?
-How do you know they are scared?
-How do you keep them still in your hand?
-How long does it take for them to get used to you?
Here are your answers to your questions:
1. How do you tell if she is pregnet? Are there unusal behaviors? = Yes, if your hamster is gaining any weight, then, I would recommend that you take her to vet. Also, with just a check up soon, since you just got your hamster, that way, your vet will be able to see if your hamster is pregnant, and other problems that your hamster might have!
2. Is wood shaving bad for them to use as bedding? = Well, I would recommend that use Carefresh Bedding. This is good for the Earth, and is soft for your hamster! The wood shaving might have oils in it, that could harm your hamster!
3. Is there a bad direction to approch them at? = Just let them smell your hand first, before picking your hamster up. That way, your hamster will know that you aren't trying to harm him!
4. Can they sufficate or snap there necks, or get stuck in the tubes? = Probably not. They could only get stuck in the tubes, if they were on the fat side. If your hamster did get hurt, then, I would recommend that you take your hamster to the vet.
5. Whats a good food brand for them to eat? = Wherever you got your hamster from, try calling them, and ask what kind of food they feed the hamsters. If you got your hamster from your local pet store, the next time that you go to the pet store, then, you can ask what kind of food that they feed their hamsters!
6. How do you know they are scared? = If they are on your hand, then, they usually bite, or try to escape your hand.
7. how do you keep them still in your hand? = Well, no pet really likes to be held, so, there really is no way to keep them still in your hand. Just let your hamster run around on your hands.
8. How long does it take for them to get used to you? = Well, it really does has to do with the bonding and your hamster, and trust! So, handeling your hamster everyday for about 5-10 minutes, will create a bond, and trust, and will reduce any biting.
I hope that this answers all of your questions! Thanks, and good luck with your new hamster,
~ Future Vet
-You'll find out soon enough.
-Yes! Very very bad. Use CareFRESH or something simalar to that.
-Yes, in front. Scoop them up from behind.
-They can, but it's very unlikely.
-I tend to like the Animal Planet food if your feeding her seeds. If you feeding her blocks, it doesn't really matter. The one they used at the pet store.
- They are jumpy and grind their teeth.
- You get them used to you.
- It depends on the hamster and how much you are handleing her.
Wow I can not compete with the already great answers.
Can I reccomend that you buy a book or borrow one from your local Library so can read up on them. Or even surf the web a bit.
I am new Hamster owner too, just got mine Tuesday, and have asked a lot of questions here. If you click on my face, there is a link that will take to all the questions I have asked about Hamsters, you can learn even more.
That should answer your questions.
-she will prolbaly get fat around the tenth day so expect babes in about a week
-yess wood shaving is bad for bedding but good for any were else, try fluff instesd for bedding
-ive never heard of them suffecating or snaped necks but getting stuck yes, just be sure to have big tubes though
-hazel hamster is s good food brand
-they wont come near you or will hide in a dark or safe place
-pet them and if they look like they are about to jump cup your hand
-it takes awile for them to get used to you
hope this helps
yes there is a bad deriection to apporach them. do not pick them up form the top they will think this as a threat and bite. the other ones, well i have dwarf hammie, so im nto sure what to answer them as
A pregnant female hamster will start to get fat. The petstore you bought her froms hould have had the hamsters separated by sex.
Pine and cedar shavings are bad, but aspen is okay. Carefresh is best.
Make sure you make the hamster aware of your presence before approaching them from any direction. As long as they know you're there and know you, it should be fine.
Syrian hamsters can get stuck in plastic tubes. For syrians, a bin cage, terrarium, or wire cage is better.
A pelleted food, such as Kaytee Forti-diet is best for the staple, with a seed mix food sparingly given.
A scared hamster will bite and turn over on its back in a defensive position.
Hamsters aren't much for sitting still, and they won't be happy with you if you try to force them to be still. Try giving the hamster a treat when you pick it up, and it might sit still while it eats.
Give the hamster about a week before you try to handle it. Talk to it often in a gentle, friendly voice. Then, put your hand in its cage and let it come to you and get used to your smell and voice. Try giving it treats so it associates you with good things.

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