Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster Question?

I just got a hamster about 2 weeks ago...She is living in a ten gallon aquarium. The only problem that I am having is that she is eating the glue that connects the panes of there any way to deter this?
Well dont let it eat that glue make sure if it is ot poisonous.Well if my guinea pig do that(which he does) I just let it go (if it is not poisonous) But if u r not sure i just put one of those things u put in cages for their teeth for gnawing u will find it in pet shops so it we be more interested in the gnawing thing.
you could cover the glue with cardboard strips
Well what I think what you should do is just get her a cage instead of having her live in an aquarium because as you said she is eating glue. Well try using a cage instead and if you can't get it at the momment , try putting bedding in the aquarium. If not then put her in a cardboard box.(:
covering it with something else will only make it eat that instead. Try rubbing some hot sauce on the glue. Have you thought about a real hamster cage? Like one with metal bars and a plastic base? My hamster has one of these and he is happy and doesn't eat anything that could hurt him. They love to chew so buy it some chew sticks. You can get these anywhere. I get them at Walmart and they are very inexpensive and the hamster loves chewing on them.
You should really think about a hampster specific cage. You can go with the bright colored plastic tubular ones, or a nice wire one. A wheel is good to have in it, they love to run! If cost is an issue, check out yard sales and thrift stores. Just clean it well, and you are good to go!
the hot sauce idea is a FANTASTIC idea. (ofcourse until you get him a cage) it you put hot sauce on it the hampster will learn to not want to bite on the glue. make sure that she is actually eating it though. i thought that my rat was eating the bar paint on her cage, but she was really just knawing it off. good luck!!
you may try the flavored snaks and chew toys they sell at your local pet stores or in walmart.
I don't like to use tanks for hamsters only for mice or severe chewing gerbils (no gerbils in tanks as of yet), they have inadequate air flow. Also if you use a wood litter, which I never use, only Care Fresh here, toxic fumes can build up in the tank and make them very sick or die even with an all mesh lid. The silicone your hamster is chewing on is not safe for her. Try getting a chew log for her made of honey and alfalfa, they work great. I use only one try and brand of cage for all my small animals except the mice, it's a Super Pet wire top and plastic bottom cage. They have a lot of air flow. A 2 or 3 story works best if you have a Syrian (large breed). Make sure to get a larger 6"-8" plastic or wire mesh wheel (more chew proof) for her so she has the proper running room on the wheel, the ones that come with cages are meant for mice or dwarf hamsters. Provide other things for her to chew on too like a toilet paper roll without the glued area (cut it out). Mine love them.
The hot sauce is the worst idea I've ever heard of for it will kill your hamster. They can't have it!!!
First of all, do not put hot sauce in your cage!
You don't need a new cage regardless of what others say. You should get woodshave bedding (if you haven't already). Underneath the bedding, I would put some newspaper (covering the silicone glue; what your hamster is chewing), then bedding on top that.
The reason for the chewing is (assuming since you got your hamster 2 weeks ago) she is young and her teeth are probably growing. Like human babies, they need to chew on something. You should buy her something like a woodchip, or treats for her to gnaw on. You can buy them from the store, or you can give her some apple bits, too. Or like the person above me said, put a toilet paper roll in there. They like to chew on that, it's a great toy for them to play inside, and it's free!!
Good luck!
I never had that problem because my hamster lives in a cage but when she chews on the bars rib lemon on them and it works really well, so i would put some lemon on the glue but make sure u feed her carrots (the are good for there teeth) and/or some of those wood chunks
put sour apple spray on it trust me ive done it before and it worked:)
I don't really no, maybe it would be best to buy a new cage? x

1 comment:

  1. My hamster does it as well, I think it's fine. Oh and just saying a 10 gallon is way to small for a hamster anyway.
