Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster questionnioniee?

I know I asked this before, but, the answers I got were.. you know..
not very informative.
My hamster is 1yrs old [just had his bday!]
He's balding on his upper back..
He acts like he's still a baby.
I give him veggies,fruit, and some seeds during the day.

I spoil him and love him all the time.
This is about the balding though..
Is it because I changed his bedding to something else
[its the same brand but diff color]?
or Old age?

Its not mites, I checked him out real good for that.
I'd just hate to see him go.
Hair loss is sometimes a result of chronic failure due to old age. Also, less than sixteen percent protien in the diet could have caused this.
Here are some ways to solve the problem of hair loss:
1) Increase the amount of fruits and veggies in the diet and feed half the dry seed mix
2)Feed half a plain crushed yeast pill (availiable at pet stores in the cat or dog section) or a pinch of nutritional yeast (availiable at most healthfood stores) for the first three days, then decrease it to once a week. An alternitive is one or two drops of cod liver oil.
3) Feed boiled rice or puffed rice cereal.
Or, it might be ringworm. Other symtoms of ringworm are circular patches of dry, scaly skin. Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection of the skin, which can spread to humans too. If you suspect that your hamster has this, always wear gloves while handling him. Don't let your hamster touch your skin. Wash your hands after holding him, even if you have used gloves. Take the hamster to the vetrinarian as soon as you can, and he will subscribe a povidone-iodine to help cure this.
Hope this Helped! Email me at if you have any other questions.
It's normal for a hamster to start losing hair at about 1.5 years -- or at least it's not uncommon. The hair loss could also have to do with allergies. The allergic reactions are more likely if you use cedar bedding. Quoting directly from the source: "Other causes could be bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections (in which case there would be severe dry flaky skin) or a mite infestation."
Its probably old age.
I had a hamster once that lost a lot a hair as she got older.
my hamp went like that .. does he have spots on his skin? if it is it could be cancer
Your Hampster Is About To Die So Sorry
There's all types of health care sites that will probably answer your questions, but this one looks real thorough:
Good luck! Little guy is lucky to have such a caring person love him.
When you change his bedding ,make sure you leave some of the old bedding so your hamster will feel comfortable.
I think that your hamster is just changing like the balding on his upper back because he is getting older.But just in case,go get him checked out by a vet.
Good Luck!
I am pretty sure it's a skin condition from the bedding...Mabye theres different chemicales in different colors. If it is a skin condidion, take it to the vet and get some antibiotics. These antibiotics that come straight from the vet have no side affects, and is perfectly safe. I hope your hammie is ok..=[

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