I just got a honey hamster yesterday and he keeps sneezing. What is this from? Could it be b/c of the beding that I put in his cage, it is dusty?
It could be. It could also be pnomonia ( not sure how to spell.). Don' t use any kind of wood/cedar bedding. I get this stuff from Walmart. It's kind of grey/brownish in color, but it expands and absorbs more. My hampster likes to make big mountains with it then bury his self inside. Any kind of wood bedding can cause respitory problems. Get it out of any a.s.a.p.
What type of bedding are you using? The hamster could be allergic.
It probably is from the bedding cedar and pine shavings can kill your hamster!! So change to Carefresh ASAP! It is the best you can get! Aspen is ok but Carefresh is the best one!!
And you might want to call a vet to mmaksure your hamster is ok
Pine and cedar bedding is very bad for hamsters as the dust particals irritate their delicate noses and lungs, so yes, this could be the problem. Change all bedding to carefresh as soon as possible. Its pulped recycled paper and is the best thing for hamsters to use. All good pet stores sell it.
Don't use pine shavings. Your cage has to be very ventaliated for pine shavings and hamsters just don't like pine shavings. Try Aspen or the recycled paper type. Either one of those should stop her from sneezing.
it could have gotten sick from the other hampsters from the store. my hampster was sick from the others
Take it to the vet, he either has an allergy or worse an upper respiratory infection. Next throw out the pine, it's very dangerous to use and is part of the problem. Wood litters cause allergies and other medical problems and death in some cases. Use a paper product litter such as Care Fresh litter. There is an extremely low incident of allergic reactions to it. We have a small animal rescue with almost 50 cages (some are our personal pets) that we only use Care Fresh with the small animals. We have had no illness or allergies associated with using Care Fresh litter.
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