Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster question?

who thinks hamsters are good pets i just got a female hamster and i named her princess and she is the best and doesant bite me lol
i do i have 2 Mr jingles a dwarf hamster who is old now at 3 and honey who is 6 months old and is a Syrian hamster,i tamed them both from babies,and its amazing to see a semi wild hamster who does not like being picked up,to a hamster that just sits in your hand and lets you feed them.
i like the way mine ,when you call there name come to the cage door and let me pick them up,and the way they stuff there treats in there pouches until there full.
hamsters are great pets and you can train them to do all sorts if you are patient with them
I LOVE hamsters, but trust me on this don't buy a guy hamster! I made that mistake. Lets just say 2 hamsters turned to 19!
Hamsters are awesome pets.
they are loving soooooooooooo sweet and the small pet u can ever have.I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... HAMSTERS!!!!!!
oh my gosh! I love hamster, I used to have like 21 hamster at once lol. They are so great pet. You can actually have fun with them. They are so funny sometime!! *chuckling*
you should consider getting other female hamster so that way the hamster wouldn't get so lonely after a while..
I have a hamster and she is awesome. I get more entertainment out of the hamster and her crazy antics than I do out of my rabbit. Although I love my rabbit also but the hamster does funnier things. Hamsters are great and mine doesnt bite unless you wake her up.
If you handle them a lot, hamsters can be really cuddly. Their fur is so soft (softer than gerbils or rats). Don't try to bring home another hamster and put it in with her, though. At worst they'll kill each other and at best they'll have babies.
he never bites EVER and he sleeps and plays and hes FUNNY
I have a dwarf hamster named CT. I don't know if CT is a boy or a girl but I assume it's a guy. He's a great pet! Very low maintenance. Unlike a cat or a dog, cleanup is quick and easy. So is housing and food! I have to buy a new bag of food and a new bag of shavings every 6 months and it only costs me 20 bucks each time. If your hamster doesn't bite you then make sure you hold him often. He really likes physical contact and follows me around when I put him in his ball.
yes hamsters are great pets to have i just bought my sons 1 shes 8 weeks old, shes just getting used to them now,she was sooooo nervous when we got her a week ago, shes called Tutsy now i have to go to the pet shop and buy my hubby 1 lol he wants 1 too..
Hamsters are amazing! I originally went to get a Guinea Pig after two years of wanting one on my thirteenth B'day. Then when I got there darling little Teddy Bear male put his paws on the glass and watched me like 'You want me, not a Guinea Pig. Ok? Get me out!' I was taken my the charcoal and grey ball of fluff. He sadly died a month later, now I am happy with my two Hamsters Duke a Teddy Bear male and Avril a Russian Dwarf female. Best pets ever!
i love hamsters! i have 10 of them :)
I think they are an awesome pet mine just died recentley she was old she was a female dwarf hamster she was good but you have to be careful when u try to pick them up. they will try to jump out of your hand so be careful!!
hoped this helped:]]
I have four Syrian hammies - the mom %26 dad, and their two boys. Each of them lives in his or her own cage. I absolutely love them - they're such adorable and sweet little animals, and so funny, with each their own little personalities. They're friendly and have never bitten.
I think though that they're not good pets for small children, even though the little ones always seem to want them. My hammies absolutely do not like being disturbed in their sleep during the day, so I always wait to spend time with them until they wake up on their own. Plus they're very wiggly and prone to falling - it could be hard for a child to handle them safely.
I have 6 robo dwarf hamsters,and they are adorable!They never bite.They are the smallest of all hamsters.They only grow up to about 2 inches!Hamsters are awesome!
i love them they are so cute and make wonderful pets!! they are so little and i am never home in the day time and they are asleep at that time so which is good!
they are great pets!
Well i have a hamster named milton he has a big bump like the women do like he's carrin a baby os somtin:) (:
I absolutely love hamsters, but they aren't the best pets for little kids. They're nocturnal and very delicate. For older kids, they make good pets (the older kids are awake later).
but generally Syrian hamsters (I don't have a lot of experience with other species of hamsters) are easy to tame, and a real delight to get to know. they're also inexpensive to keep.
As far as taming Princess - take it slow. Let her dictate the taming process and remember to always wash your hands (if your hands smell like food, she might think your fingers are yummy sausages and take a chomp) and enjoy!
Yes hamsters are great! I love them so much that I have 5 all in separate cages. It might take up a lot of time providing for them and cleaning them out but their worth it! When i'm feeling down they always cheer me up

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