Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster supplies?

Tommorow I MIGHT maybe get a hamster and i was wondering what supplies i would need to buy to put in the cage such as water bottle,food,shaving stuff like that and explain why i need this stuff.Or supply me with a link to a good website that will telll me this information.
Here are the things that you need:
Bedding= to keep your hamsters cage nice and soft! To also soke (sorry don't know how to spell that!), urine and poop.
Food: well, to feed your hamster of course!
Food Bowls: To keep your hamster's food in!
Water bottle: to keep your hamster's water in.
Treat: rewarding your hamster with treats, or, for every other day snacks!
Chew toys: Chew toys, such as log branches (sold at your local pet store!), help keep a hamsters teeth from getting too long!
Cage: To keep your hamster in! If you are planning on getting a dwarf, then, I would recommend getting a cage that is only 1 level, or a terrarium is a good idea too! But, If you are planning on getting a syrian, golden, teddy bear ect. hamsters, then I would recommend getting a cage that has tubes, and that is more then 1 level.
Toys: so that your hamster can play on them! your local pet store should have a few toys to pick out from!
Wheel: If the hamster cage that you decide to get (a terrarium), then you need to get a wheel, that ALL pet stores should have that aren't connected to a cage.
I believe that this is all! I hope that this answers your question(s)! If you have anymore questions about hamsters, you can email me at:! Thanks, and good luck!
Avoid the cedar bedding -- it's really common, and really popular, but because it's so aromatic, it can cause respiratory distress in the hamsters.
Make sure they have something hard and wooden to chew on -- rodents teeth continue to grow forever -- if they don't chew really hard stuff to keep them the right length, they'll grow, and then they won't be able to eat.
Use a hanging water bottle, they work really well, and as long as the hamster can reach it, it'll use it.
Make sure it has something to exercise and play with -- a wheel (without spokes) and maybe some wooden boxes to climb in and out of -- it's in a friggin' cage, how exciting can that be?
Most foods made for hamsters or rodents will be ok -- they're usually hard -- nuts, seeds, dried corn, that kind of stuff. It'll help a little with the teeth, but not enough. You could supplement the diet with things like little pieces of carrot or something fresh (not meat, obviously).
They make wooden fruit chew sticks -- hamsters seem to be fond of them, for the most part -- especially if you put just a tiny bit of penut butter on the end of one.
just get him things to get him exercised and happy like the little hamster ball, something he might like to chew on or a little hut.
if you buy a crittertrail cage at petsmart or petco, it comes with the water bottle and food dish. other than that you need bedding, i use super shavin's, and food, and an exercise ball.

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