Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster sleeping in tube?

My hamster likes sleeping in her tube a lot. Should I take her out , or leave her in?
Leave her in there. She likes it there and is probably warm in there. Hamsters usually like sleeping in places they feel safe and warm. Just like us.
It's normal
its her choice and there is no problem with that.
leave her. you'll probably stress her out by trying to "help'.
i would leave her she likes it in their. i would know i have had 8 hamsters from 2 years old
Your Hampster Just Likes To Sleep. Leave Her In The Tube.
Leave her in. My guinea pig liked to sleep in her tube too. It's probable really cozzy and warm to her.
She's fine where she is. She most likely feels safe and secure in her little tube.
Gerbils to that too. It is pretty normal. No problems arise from them sleeping in the tubes. I think they like it because they might sleep in burrows and tunnels like that in the wild. She is fine, don't take her out. She likes it!!
Let her sleep where she wants.
Aww thats cute! Thats is what my teddy bear hammie Nibbles used to do. I think it just feels nice and warm and safe in there. In the wild hamsters have to find small holes or small places to climb in so that predators cant reach them. So its normal. Leave her in there. But if you want her to come out to play put a snack on your hand(veggie,fruit, cheese, oatmeal, hamster treat) and she'll come out to get the food. Aww have fun with your little hammie!
She'll be absolutely fine.
Just make sure there are venitlation holes in the tube, and be sure she gets her regular exercise to avoid getting stuck.
If sleeping in the tube causes problems, take her out! Remove the tube if possible.
Hope I have helped!
Just leave her in the tube. Unless it's not eating or drinking in which case take her to the vets
My hamster does it all the time. So dont bother her she fine. Good luck with her!
that's normal.
my dwarf hamsters used to pick the strangest places to make nests - in their dish, on the wheel, in the tubes, under the bottle..
I have had 8 hamsters, and they ALL loved it in the tube. It is safe and warm and comfy. I know how you feel, you like never see her because she is always in there, well now I have a guinea pig and he even hides in his little igloo 24/7. Sometimes I take it out, and he walks around in his cage and explores! Sometimes when she comes out try to remove the tube and let her have some time out of it. It can be unhealthy for her to stay in it all the time. Let her have excersize play with her and love her and maybe just maybe she wont go in there very much anymore or anytime you walk in the room she will come out dying for love. Treat her well, and just be a good owner. My point is, yes it is VERY normal. Sorry if your hammie was a boy and I was calling it a she!
There's no problem with that! just leave it there to sleep!
its normal
well when you buy a hamster a cage they can sleep anywhere
the food bowl the wheel a corner and even inside a tube my hamsters also sleep anywhere and i dont care but i do care if the places all my hamsters sleep in bother them so i think no you dont have to take your hamster out if the place its sleeping is comfortable but if its not then yes you can take your hamster out
Its Dark In The Tube So She Likes It She Probably Feels Really Safe And Protected.
my gerbil does that all the time. she proabally thinks its comfortable. lol i know...weird. but just leave her in, she will be rested when she decides to come out.
never! let her do whatever she likes. they prefer dark places.
leave her in, its normal .

its a hamsters natual instinct to stay warm and cozy, its up to the hamster where they find that sort of comfort.
as long as the hamster isnt too fat to get caught in the tube , its natural.
Leave her in
I sugest you put some bedding in her tube as i dont think sleeping in her tube can do her any harm she might move it and slep back in her house if she seems happy i would just leave her be.
Leave her be. When she's ready to go, she will.
Oh don't worry about it my male hamster used to keep sleep in his tube all the time! And he is fine. But only take her out if she is having trouble getting out and in the tube.
Leave here alone if that is where she feels comfortable and at home.

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