Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster stories?

All we hear are the questions on hamsters that bite and are aggresive. Do any of you own really cute, lovable, social hamsters? I have a one year old syrian male and we adore him! He is a rascal who has so far chewed his way through our sofas, my husbands 拢130 jeans, and escaped for 10 days and survived to tell the tale!! But he never bites and adores human company. Tell me your experiance of owning a hamster.
I used to have a hamster named Penny, she would scoot the bedding under the wheel until she could climb to the top of the wheel then move the lid until she could get out of the cage. I was watching tv one night and I saw something scurry across the floor I thought we had a mouse, but turned out it to be Penny who earned the nickname Houdini.
My neice had a lovable hamster called Jasper. Unfortunately the outside door was left open one day and he escaped. Her Mum told her he'd gone off with Stuart Little in his car ! So no tears.
my hamster is a comedian !, he wakes up to see what the comotions is about and loves to clean. He has cute bedie eyes and his paws are so soft and cute ! BUT hes is SO STRONG !! we put him ontop of his cage and because it has bars he grabs hold of them and its hard to get him off its so cute !! ^^
he poops on me
my first hamster was 6 years ago. i begged my parents SO! much for a hamster and they kept saying no. then i begged and begged and they would finally let me have one.i bought the hamster and named it hamtaro lol. the cage wasn't that big but he was active in day i see him doing back flips and i was like...omg! how cool. then i decided to teach him more tricks so i thought him to pee where i wanted him to(it took 3 weeks) then like 2 months later he was big! so i had to buy a bigger cage and more toys. he escaped out of his cage once and i grounded him by blowing in his face for 10 seconds and took his toys for about 2 hours.6 months passed and hamtaro knew how to shake hands,do flips,run,stand on 2 legs,speak(squeak),jump for food, and stay on my shoulder.
then a year passed and he died because when i was moping he was out of his cage and then started sort of licking the mop and 2 days later he died :(. but he left 2 kids though lol.i bought him pregnant by mistake and now his hammys will soon have more hammys and so
I'm such a good parent.
I had a hamster named buddy for 2 and a half years one day i woke up and he couldn't open his eyes and the next day he couldn't move any thing but his head and the next day he could only move his eyes and the next morning i woke up he was dead i ran downstairs crying(not that I'm a cry baby)i picked him up a couple of hours later and he was struggling for air but after a few hours later he was dead and we buried him in the back yard and put some flowers around him after a couple of hours that day i went and got two more and ones a boy and ones a girl and i think the girl is pregnant now i still miss buddy but at least i have to hamsters named sharkey and sky baby well bye

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