Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster questions 4 u!?

I am a fish fanatic but my sister wants a hamster and she's 5 so i know i will end up taking care of it 4 her.
I (we) are looking for the smallest possible hamster without being a mouse (lol). Obviously it would be a dwarf, but any1 have a favorite kind of dwarf?
Also, does any1 have a favorite brand of cage, food, bedding, etc.? and why do you like those kinds?
do you have any tips for starting a new cage? precautions for them getting out maybe?
Any tips on picking out a healthy hamster from the pet store? what pet store do you like and why?
just from experience you want a male. they are smarter and nicer. plus only get one because the people said they were two boys and i had baby's every 16 DAYS! ahhhhh anyway get a male.make sure not to handle it to much the first 2 days. also i used an aquarium tank(small) with the bedding , wheel and feed/water and toys. they are really low keep animals. also you can teach it its name. i could let my male go and call him and he would come back. just put a treat in your hand put it in the tank and call him by name in a high tone and when he comes give him a treat. i loved them. but then became a dog person. oh ya when getting one make sure hes nice before you get them that means when you try to poke them the dont try to bite. almost all will turn to see whats happnen but you will find one thats nice. GOOD LUCK
if you are going to get a dwarf hamster you might want to consider a regular hamster they are more tamer the cage product company denfinently super pet you would need a cage that has tubes they love them bedding company would be care fresh found at your local pet store.
If ur gonna get a dwarf hamster make sure to pick a nice one.
Things u need:Hamster food,fresh drinking water(water bottle 4 dwarf hamsters),Fresh beddings,A food bowl,egt a small cage just right 4 the dwarf hamster,One Important thing get the hamster a chewer or the teeth will outgrow.
I dont have a favorite type of dwarf hamster all though they bite alot, get a fancy hammy they are smaller. My fave type of cage is any thing by critter trail cause they are colorful,last a long time, and they come in many diffrent shapes and sizes so all hammys can stay healthy and active, any food works, corn cob bedding is what i always use cause they can eat it and it wont kill them like wood shavings do, for starting a new cage just chose your favorite criter trail and get small things to start and then go large and make it yours, when you chose a hammy make sure it is alert with its eyes open get a dudu cause thay are well behaved and chose one that is sleepin and breathin and any pet store is great. Vote me best answer please!!:D

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