Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster sneezing wut should i do?

well i have an hamster and it sneezes constantly and i dont know wut to do should i take it to the vet how much will it cost? [syrian hamster]
I'm not exactly sure if this applies to hamsters ALL of the time, but I do know that some can be sensitive.
What kind of bedding do you use for it? If it's not PAPER or PINE bedding (like, pine wood shavings), it may be having an allergic reaction. You should remove it from it's bedding (completely clean out the cage) and give it new bedding (like pine or paper). Cedar bedding is cheap, but tends to make the animals sick (it's really bad for them, it can kill them!!).
It should say what kind of bedding you have on the bag you bought it in.
take it to the vet, it may have a cold=[
Keep warm!
lol, I think thats cute. No don't take it to the vet. My sister's hamster screams at I'm sure your hamster is fine. All animals sneeze. Maybe he's alergic to pet dander? :)
Well, for guinea pigs, when I looked up how much it would take mine to the vet, he was classified as an exotic animal since he wasn't a cat or dog. The office visit, had we ever needed to take him, was going to be $45. That's not including if he needed on injection of some kind or medication.
Oh, and also. Maybe you don't need to take it to the vet right away. It could just be alergic to something. Is there anything new around? Like did you give it a new kind of food or maybe something near by is scented and bothering him. I think that if in about a week he doesn't get better, then you should take him.
My hamster used to sneeze a lot and he was fine!
It is possible that your Hamster has an Upper Respiratory Infection. If left untreated he wil probably not survive. He needs an Antibiotic...
Has it had diarrhea? It might be suffering from a disease. And yes, it is a good idea to take it to the vet. For them to see what's wrong with your pet, it costs nothing. But, for them to cure it or give it a shot costs money. So I hope the poor lil' Hamster is ok. =(
Good luck though!
you shold take it to the vet mostly for a cheeck up it will be about $15-20 but the prices are not the same in every vet.
it could be a cold or respiratory infections. take the hamster to the vet immediately for it can become extremely fatal. best of luck!
it mite be his bedding that is in the cage!!!
what kind of bedding do you use? it could be allergic to it, i use super shavin's by cozy critter at petsmart great stuff. syrians are great but vets are not cheap, depends on where you live the cost.

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