Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster Questions!!?

I have two hamsters and I was curious as to what type they are. All I know is they are dwarf hamsters, but there are like 4 or so different types of them. One is a brownish color and he has little white feet and he has red buggy eyes. The other one is white with large gray 'cow' spots (cow is the only thing I could think they resembeled) and he too has red eyes. I have looked and looked, just not sure what kind they are. I was curious as to how long their life span is? I've had them a little over a year, and they were full grown when I bought them from the petstore. One has started to lose a little weight and looks unkept. Was curious if he is sick or just getting old. Thanks!
His cage is always clean and he always has plenty of water and food. And the two hamsters are in seperate cages, so I know the other isn't bullying him.
Winter White:
This one has some more pics:
It's hard to tell by a discription...howfully you can compare you're to the pictures and find out what you have...
Hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!!
Average life for hamster is about 2 years. Not quite sure what type you have. I have a teddy bear hamster and they have longer hair. Mine as well looks a little unkept these last couple of weeks but is still eating like a pig! LOL
Oh Ho,
wrong question for me .
No knowledge of this .
They sound like Campbell's Russian Hamsters as I think the other types tend to be a solid colour rather than with spots.
They have a live expectancy of about 18-36 months.
I've had two hamsters and my first one I had for 4 years and the people before me had hi m for about a year when he died it was because of old age. So if you take real good care of them they can last a long time!
Hamsters usually live from 1 and a half to 2 and a half. Rarely they will reach three years. They are starting to get old I think.
I really can't tell you what kind they are I'm not good at that either exept that I usually get Syrians, He might be losing weight because he's either getting old or if you changed food sometimes that causes them to lose weight if he looks unkept I'm going to guess he's just getting old.
Try asking the petstore you got them from - they might know?

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