Friday, May 8, 2009

Hamster leashes?

If I take my hammie outside, she might escape so I'm worried. Do those hamster leashes really work, are they safe and do hammies mind?
You maay be better served to get one of those clear balls that you can put you rhampster in and let it run around that way . There is aboslutely no chance of escape but can go and see new things.
no they dont have hamster leashes...get a small dog if you want to do that
Yes they work and no they like it cause they can roam around outside
I have to say I have never heard of hamster leashes. I would also add that I dont like the idea of my hamster outside exposed to all sorts of harm and danger.
I would suggest keeping yours indoors for a run around, either in an enclosed environment or in her exercise ball.
Hamsters are nocternal and partially blind. direct sunlight can cause more damage to their eyes so I would not suggest taking her outside. Cats, dogs, and big birds might make a quick dash for her, and dirt on the ground, or pestisides on grass may cause her harm.
I know what leash you are talking about, Its a japanese invention. Its kinda cruel. You cant keep up with their speed, and you will end up pulling on them.
Get that ball! They go crazeh inside it. And you know they cant get lost, its very visable!
yes i think they work but make sure there isn't any type of animal that can hurt your hamster! And make sure if you have your hamster go in the grass make sure it wasn't sprayed with something that could be poisonous to your hamster!
NO LEASH! Hamsters like to run free. Try a hamster pen/fence. It's way better for them. I've had 8 hamsters and they've all lived for at least 5 years. I'm only in 8th grade too.
lol i just heard about a hamster leash today myself and personaly i dont think you should take the hamster outside inless you are carrying it because knowing my hamster it likes to eat every thing it sees so i wouldnt suggest taking it outside would be the best idea because there could be something harmful on the ground. Which can make it sick.
they do not have HAMSTER leashes. they have rabbit, rat, and ferret leashes. u could use a ferret one but it is way 2 long..

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