Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hamsters! <3?

i have a dwarf hamster names Lucielle Sidnie. She Is lihgt gray with a little tan in her back. I have a Excersize ball for her and she seems like she loves it. but.. is it okay for them to be in there? i saw somewhere that i hurts a guinea pigs spine.. is that the same for Dwarf Hamsters?
Excersize balls are more dangerous for guinea pigs, because their backs are not as flexible.
For dwarf hamsters, excersize balls are total acceptable, and are greatly encouraged! Hamsters love running around in excersize balls and should be brought OUT of their cage to excersize about once a day.
You may, however, want to get a smaller sized ball, which is special for dwarf hamsters.
Just be careful, because the smaller ball's tops do not lock as well.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask anytime!
Good Luck! :)
No, hamsters are very flexible and do fine in rolling balls. Guinea pigs should never ever be put in one or on a leash.
Go to the library get a good book on Dwarf Hamsters and read. It's the best info outside of calling a vet.
no, hamsters do fine in those balls. guinea pigs' spines just aren't made to be as flexible as things like hamsters, gerbils, and mice, so it hurts their back.
No it is ok for any hamsters to use the balls! It is really good for them to use it because it gives them lots of exersize!
If the ball hurt the guinea pigs back then the ball was probably too small and it hit its back. I have a Dwarf hamster too and she does fine in the ball.
Hamsters, gerbils, mice, and rats all have a flexible spine which allows them to enjoy a roll around ball and an exercise wheel. Guinea Pigs don't.
Good exercise for a Guinea Pig would be to let him/her roam around a Piggy-proof part of your apartment for a little while. Supervised of course! :)
Hamsters are better in exercise wheels than guinea pigs cuz they're more flexible.
hamsters are ok in them but guinea pig are different because they are not as flexible

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