Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hamster Not Active?

My Hamster Has Not Been Running On His Wheel Since I Got Him. I think hes just a little baby. Has He not learned yet or is something else wrong. As well as he likes to sleep the day away and eats a lot.
That what baby do-sleep %26 eat alot.The hamster baby's legs is not strong yet.
ahahhahah, when i first read this, i was hoping i was gunna get to tell some little kid that his hampster is dead, but yours is just lazy, probly gets it from you. maybe you should buy a treadmill and run on it in front of him and then maybe he'll get the idea
hamsters by nature are nocturnal.he could be running at night...also what you think is eating alot is probably him taking his food and storing it else where...when you clean his cage you'll find all the food he put in his "pantry".
hamsters are nocturnal that is the problem
I have one that never learned the ball on top her cage was a wheel!LOL
Hamsters are noctornal so he might be sleeping in the day and at night they are a wake here are some reasons he might not be running on his wheel:
1. your not a wake when he does it
2. his wheel is too small so it hurts there spine when they run i would suggest buying a bigger wheel
3. If your wheel is a metal one then it hurts there feet my friends hamster foot started bleeding because of that, i would again suggest another wheel
4. this is what happened to me
my hamster didn't like running on her wheel because of the open space so i bought the crittertrail z which has a ball instead of a wheel and if you already have a crittertrail cage just buy an add on ball if you don't have a crittertrail cage buy a run around plastic ball for like $5 and put your hamster in there for about 30-45 min a day
hope that helps
also hamsters take food and hide them so you may think your hamster is eating a lot when he isn't even eating much of it, hamsters only eat as much food as they should don't worry about his eating habit
You have anormal hamster. Although wheels are placed in cages to give hamsters the recommended exercise they need, not all hamsters like to use them. if this is the case with you hamster buy a hamster exercise ball and make sure he comes out in the evening for a run around the house. Most hamsters love exercise balls.
I have had my male Syrian hamster over 16 months and he has never, ever used his exercise wheel, but he is happy and healthy. He is clever, he knows he is not going anywhere fast on it! hamsters love freedom and large open spaces to run around, so dont worry that yours does not use his wheel.
Hamsters are nocturnal, which means they sleep all day, and wake through the night. Again, sometimes they will doze off throughout the evening too, so your hamster is normal. Mine sleeps up to 20 hours a day.
Hamsters are horders, they see food, store it in there chhek pouches and will carry it to a certain part of their cage, normally a corner or the sleeping area and stash it away to snack on every few hours. They are greedy as far as small animals go!!
Hamsters are usually the most active during the night. If he doesn't run then either mabey you could put him in the wheel, he might just not know how to use it.
Your hammys LAZY dont be worried just enjoy it incase he gets active. My hammy dose that all the time. Dont give him the hightest amount of treats but half so he dsent get to fat. Vote me bet answer!
Hamsters are nocturnal.
Your hamster is nocturnal. Try listening at aroung 7 pm. If he is not running then, chances are he does not know how to run or the wheel is too big. If the wheel is big enough that a full grown hamster could fit in it, get him a smaller wheel until he grows, as his little feet will slip through the bars. As to the food issue, he is storing foood. In German the name hamster means "hoaders".
Hamster's are nocturnal, thats why you don't see him up and moving around. B/c when you are asleep your hamster is prolly up and running around but by the time you wake up he's sleeping again, so you would never think he was active. But he really is most likely during the night when you don't even know it. Hope i helped =]

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