Friday, July 31, 2009

Hamster Tricks?

I'm looking after my friend's hamster while they're on holiday, but he is pure mad all day and all night! He climbs everything and when he's in his cage he clings on to the top bars and swings monkey-bar style to the other side! Is this normal, or have I got a hyperactive hamster?
You know with human being that theres always 'one'? You've got that in the hamster world I'm afraid. Hyperactivitly is pretty common in rodents but hey- at least its entertaining! My hamster just slept all the time :-( So yeah, just live with it!
hyperactive but normal ! lol. Iv had 2 hammys that do the same and my friends hamsters completly nuts, she climbs up to the top upsidedown, then just... lets go! hahaha there crazy!
yes this is normal, my old hamsters climbed the top of the cage also. You need to grab your hamster so it wont be mad.
Get it a mate.
its normal lol mine do that there just having fun
It's normal, my hamster sometimes do that to, but just incase you have a tall cage, put some soft tissue, tolet paper or whatever one the bottom of the cage so they wont get really hurt (not that they will). but that depends on the cages size.
Mine did that too, but by the sound of it, yours is a bit hyperactive.
Normal. Mine alway spazed out and acted crazy at night. Thats why the bars are there.
Perfectly normal. When I had hamsters, I had the back room "hamster-proofed" and let them run around the room. One used to climb up behind the back of the radiator, haul himself on to the windowsill, and then drop off again - and he used to do this two or three times in a row! Another would use me as a climbing frame.
this is completely normal my daughters hamster is the same she spins in her wheel all night and we cant get to sleep so we bought a silent wheel but its completely normal
Thats very normal, theyre so funny!
mine always did that too, i think it's normal for them to be hyperactive, just sit, relax and enjoy their "monkey" tricks!
Hey Hunny
*Lol* That is completely normal,you made me laugh,hehe.Dont worry hun hes just having fun.:-)
yes this is normail they love to climb as they would in the wiled they do what ever they can to keep them ocupied othere wise they would just be bord
no its normal
no this is normal for hamsters, they should sleep during the day ( in theory) and active at night.

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