Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hamster Questions!!?? Help!!?

How do i know if my hamster is pregnant right after they do it? And i need links to online free rpgs!
Oh, should i keep the male and female separate?
Please walk me though this by sending me a walkthough in a email- hamstergurlquestions101@yahoo.
Most of the time, mating once is enough for her to get pregnant. Check for her becoming fat, which in hamsters happens relatively fast. I guess there should be a pregnancy test that a vet could make, but it would make no difference so you should probably just wait.
However, you should separate the hamsters. They don't live in happy families as humans. The female completely raises the babies without the father, and he only becomes another hamster in the cage which could become dangerous for the babies.
Good luck, and be sure to give the adequate food and treatment to your hamster so everything goes fine with the babies!
If they mated, she is more than likely pregnant, and yes, you should separate them- hamsters should ALWAYS live separately- they are solitary creatures who should only be put together to mate. The dad does not take a role raising the babies and would only make Mom upset- maybe enough so to have her kill the litter.
If you witnessed a mating, chances are good that your female is pregnant unless she is extremely young.
If you have Syrian hamsters, they should always be kept one per cage. They are solitary animals and will fight.
Dwarfs are social, and the male will help the female raise the litter, contrary to what the previous poster said, but you should remove the male anyway.
This is because females can get pregnant again immediately after giving birth, and you'll end up with more hamsters than you ever bargained for.
yes you should separate them because they will fight and the mother and father may be stressed and kill the babies.
you can tell if it is pregnant when it gets FAT!
ive breed hamsters be4 take the dad out he will eat the babies dont keep them past 8 weeks or she might hurt them ive had this happen not even drawrf hamsters one day youll find the babies out there i know i did and wasnt exp it good luck email me for more information
they should be seperated. they usually get fat after 2 days
Pythones is the only one who knows what she's talking about. I raise dwarf hamsters. If you want them to breed then keep them together, if you don't then keep them separate. With dwarf hamsters you can keep them together the whole time. I wouldn't suggest breeding if they are related. Inbred hamsters can get mean and have defects. I have 5 cages, 2 cages are my breeding pairs and the others are to keep the other sexes separate. One cage is all girls and the other 2 are all boys. I have no problems with keeping the boys together. For some reason my hamsters have been producing a lot more boys. Anyways I leave the boy in with the babies the whole time and he doesn't eat them, he helps take care of the babies. I have some babies right now about 2 weeks old. I don't think there is a way to know if she has gotten pregnant right after wards but if she is it will be noticeable in a few weeks. Like said before though it depends on the breed of the hamster. For more accurate answers you need to include that in your question.

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