Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hamsters & Guinea pigs together?

As I was doing my rounds today of feeding my Guinea Pigs in their cage and my hamsters in two seperate cages, I started wondering...
What do you think would happen if a Golden Hamster was put in the same cage with a Guinea Pig? Do you think they could get used to each other or fight? I know Guinea Pigs are very docile creatures, who enjoy having other Piggys as roommates. I also know that Golden Hamsters prefer to live alone and would kill another Golden if put in the cage. However there is a huge size difference between the Piggy and the Hamster...would that matter? Would the Hamster choose to not pick a fight with someone so much bigger?
As I said, purely hypothetical, just wanted to see what others thought. I'd never do anything to put any of my pets in potential danger. I love them all too much.
I use to work in a pet store and have been around both guinea pigs and hamsters I also owned one of each at the same time. I don't think they would get along. Guinea pigs like to be in around other guinea pigs hamsters are more solitary animals and I have found many times while working in a pet store I would call it hamster on hamster crimes. So putting a social creature as the guinea pig with a solitary animal as a hamsters I feel would be a very bad outcome. I feel many other people would agree with me. I know your question was hypothetical but I have also leaned that there are some people out there that would do something like that like the person who asked if you put a guinea pig and a bird in a cage would the guinea pig eat it. Heck when I was working in that pet store I had a dad want to get a hamster cage and put a guinea pig in it because the hamster cage was much cheaper the the guinea pig cage!!
Hamsters are solitary animals and they fight with there own kind!! They will fight if u put them together!!1
No,The Guinea Pig will proablly eat the hamster because the guinea pig is bigger.
If you were to put them together, you will end up with a tradgedy on your hands. Extremly unadvisable.
Im sooo glad its just a hypothetical question!!
Firstly hamsters and guinea pigs require different cages to live in anyway so even if they could live in harmony together, technically they still could'nt.
But in short, no they could not. Hamsters are fiersly territorial animals that must be housed seperatly from other hamsters let alone another animal. One would end up with severe injuries and one would die of fright!!
No. They require different nutritional needs and they would probably fight.

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