Friday, May 8, 2009

Hamster know when your hurt?

okay if had this hammy for about 5 1/2 weeks now and i play with her about 4 time s a day and were really close, she licks my fingers and my neck when shes on my shoulder (is that wierd or wut?) and yesterday i got hurt and i can barely walk and i was layin in bed and she was in her nest, perfectly fine, and i heard her squeal, it wasnt a squeal it was more like a call and she did a few time and i pulled myself over to her cages and she was fine she was looking right at me and came out and i opened the door and she crwed into my u think she knew i was hurt?
sounds like you've got a real sweetie on your hands there. She'll do you good all the days of her fuzzy life. I don't put much past little critters these days. I've had a dog that knows the second any of my pets dies, parakeets that come when I call, and a hamster or two that will intentionally snuggle down on my stomach and stay with me when I've had a rough day. The more time you spend with them the more attuned to you they are. And she knows your habits and patterns too, matching hers to yours. When something's different or 'off' she knows. Sounds like you found a blessing. I'm glad you've got someone to 'watch over you' while you're hurt.
probably.any pet does have the tendency to feel their owner's feelings.(if they're with them for quite some time already)
Personally, I'd like to believe so. I had a few incidents where I've had a crap day and one of my guinea pigs will just sit and snuggle with me, which they don't always do. It's like they know I need some comfort.
Animals have sixth sense.

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