Monday, May 24, 2010

HELP my rats have little bugs on them !?

well i bathed him in my sink with some hot water not to hot though but i washed him with a little tiny bit of dawn not even dime size and used the hair dryer on low he seemed to like this then i checked him over again and i saw nothing but i ran a flea brush thing threw his hair but i need some thing that way they dont come back and im not even sure if their even gone yet but what should i do ?
If rats have parasites they usually have lice. My rats had them for awhile and it was not very nice. Definitely take them to the vet for a proper prescription to get rid of the bugs. Also make sure to clean the cage thoroughly (wash the cage carefully with bleach) twice a week to stop a reinfection.
leave him for a few days to see if they are fully gone, keep checking him and if he stil has them you can get flea treatment for them at stores but apply it to the back of the neck where they tend not to reach. they should die off by then. to make sure they dont come back keep his cage clean and try not to get flies or mosquitoes in where he lives bacause they can carry around alot of stuff. hope this helps. best answer please ;)
you should get a hairless rat
do not use any commercial over the counter flea products on your rats it can kill them. you need to take them to a vet and get the correct medicine and dosage for them. i learned that the hard way.
Many of my pet rats have had mites and I have used a flea and tick killer made for small animals and it worked. I've never seen an over the counter product made just for mites but I did some research and the flea and tick killer has the same active ingredient as mite killer from a vet. If that doesn't work then take them to the vet.
clean their cages and toys. talk to the vet about what kind of flea shampoo to use on them. or check the pet shop near you about any rodent flea shampoos they might have. you might have to bug bomb the house to get rid of them, just make sure you take your pets elsewhere and clean up before you bring them home.
Well first of all you dont give rats baths.. and try seeing a vet honey!! you don't want something wrong with your rat!!

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